Mind - Body - Breath: Introduction to Qigong
November 9, 2019 @ 9:00AM — 1:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Introductory Qigong Workshop
Mind - Body - Breath: Introduction to Qigong
Workshop led by Diana Vachon, L Ac.
Each session will cover the basics of centering, opening, and gathering as well as a short sitting meditation. The sessions will continue with exercises and as time permits with an opportunity to create a short form.
Session I beginning at 9am - Sunrise Sunset exercise
Session II beginning at 10am - Microcosmic Orbit exercise
Session III beginning at 11am - Longevity exercises
Three sessions at $20 per session or all three sessions for $50. Net proceeds from the workshop will go to Charlotte-Shelburne-Hinesburg Rotary Club to assist in purchasing turkeys to be donated to the three local food shelves at Thanksgiving.