Caring Through Crisis: Providing Compassionate Care in Difficult Times with Dr. Lindsay B. Jernigan, Ph.D., PLC

May 2, 2025 @ 9:00AM — 4:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

All Souls Interfaith Gathering: 291 Bostwick Farm Rd Shelburne, VT 05482 Get Directions

Caring Through Crisis: Providing Compassionate Care in Difficult Times with Dr. Lindsay B. Jernigan, Ph.D., PLC image

How do we, as caretakers, support others when we are experiencing the same emotions and challenges ourselves?

This is a workshop for anyone who plays a role as a caretaker for others in the midst of today's politically-driven cultural crisis. Therapists, social workers, teachers, doctors, pastors, and even parents are feeling overwhelmed by the task of providing hope and direction when they, themselves, are often feeling the same anxiety, outrage and despair as the people they are supporting. Our training and experience often do not prepare us for the complexity of this challenge. In this one-day workshop we will explore:

* How to support others when we are experiencing the same emotions and challenge, ourselves.
* Understanding the range of client responses to the crisis, and how to intervene effectively.
* Exploring the meaning, development, and sources of hope for clients.
* How to provide comfort and build resilience when the stressors don't stop!
* How to work with clients who may have disparate beliefs but similar fears.
* What roles we can play to help create connection, humanity, resilience, advocacy, empathy, and insight to help heal individuals, families, systems, and a nation in crisis.
* How to support ourselves so that we, the caregivers, can maintain our own wellness as well as our capacity to care for others.

Date of Workshop: Friday, May 2, 2025

Schedule for the Day:

9:00 - 12:00 Morning Session
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch (bring your own to enjoy on the grounds, or head into town)
1:30 - 4:30 Afternoon Session

6 CE credits available for counselors, social workers, and psychologists in Vermont


About the Workshop Facilitator:

Dr. Lindsay Jernigan, PhD., PLC, has been a psychologist in private practice for over 20 years, offering compassionate care to clients, clinical supervision and continuing education to mental health providers, and courses to support resilience and thriving. She writes for Psychology Today about transformational feminist therapy for women and couples, and on issues pertinent to caring for others in times of crisis.
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